The Arrow Mission

With One Voice

Sometimes in life your eyes are opened to see that you stand on the brink of a choice that can change the course of eternity.

What if husband and wife, together in the power of love, daily came before God with one voice to speak life over their children?

Perhaps with a list of each child’s strengths and current struggles, along with their hearts’ longings for each child, they were to lift their voice in one accord.

What if doing this one thing had the power to create change which impacted generations?

The power in this has been on my heart recently. It’s an exciting and humbling thing when you see an opportunity God has given to take part in some really big things; and praying for our children is one of those really big things.

There’s power in prayer.

And even more power when two or more come together with love in prayer.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue. (Proverbs 18:21)

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