The Arrow Mission

Power Under Control

Parenting is power under control.

A parent has a lot of power over their children, and it can be misused easily. It’s even in small ways like tone of voice and body language. It speaks a message of domination.

But true love is power under restraint. Choosing the path of love. Yes, being firm, consistent, present, clear, and constantly discipling. But being careful not to mistake fear from their child as respect. Being mindful to see and respect this little person you are entrusted to lead for a short time. Being after their heart instead of just their behavior.

To reflect Christ is to stoop down to make someone great, not pointing a stern finger with a harsh word.

As a parent, it is a battle with yourself. It’s seeing all the power you own as the older, bigger one of authority and using all that power to bring them up, not down.

When the Lord corrects, He has the ability to leave you feeling hopeful and encouraged to be all He envisions, and a parent has to find the ability to do the same.

It’s not always easy, but it’s important.

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