The Arrow Mission

The Purpose Of It All

The act of keeping a home is repeatedly cleaning up the same messes and completing the same tasks.

The same dishes. The same dirty clothes. The same toys. The same beds. Sweeping under the same chairs and wiping the same bar.

Over and over again.

Without a purpose behind the work, it can begin to feel pointless, mundane, and burdensome.

So what’s the purpose behind it all?

God is a God of order. It’s seen in the smallest to the largest parts of creation. Divine order.  In the keeping our home and bringing order repeatedly to the same space, we are reflecting an image of God.

As our home continually moves towards disorder, we get to be that loving hand to bring it all back into order; and by doing this, we get the privilege of mirroring an attribute of God.

Let this be an honorable task.

I find it’s also as a way to care for the things He has blessed us with, being good stewards of the gifts, and teaching our children the joy of hard work and service.

So the next 10,000 times you get to wipe that same bar, count it a joy and a high calling.

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