The Arrow Mission

Prayers For Our Sons

That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth.

Rooted, established, nourished, healthy, and mature, even from their youth.

In our society we lose the boy much too soon, but gain the man much too late.

Instead, may we have the wisdom to keep the boy, while intentionally moving towards manhood. Having time not wasted in adolescence with a lack of responsibility, direction, or purpose.

May the time of playful childhood be fully enjoyed, while its innocence is kept protected.

And yet, at the same time, may rightful maturity be fostered and manhood be encouraged.

Having no stunted growth, but instead rapid and flourishing growth.

May they fulfill the specific purpose of the seed which was planted and bear much fruit.

”May our sons be as plants grown up in their youth.”

(Psalms 144:12)

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