The Arrow Mission

Prayers For Our Daughters

“That our daughters may be as pillars, sculptured in palace style.”

Solid, firm, fixed, and well-established.

Divinely sculptured, molded, and shaped. Then firmly placed by His hands in a position for noble purposes.

A lovely display of His splendor and glory.

Adorned with God’s graces. Polished, purified, and consecrated.

Pillars are set on a solid foundation, ensuring the stability of the structure they support.

Pillars are a vital part of the structure, allowing the palace to be built higher than would have otherwise been capable without the bracing of the pillar.

Likewise, may our daughters be firmly set on a solid foundation, molded and placed by His hands for divine purposes. Displaying His glory, and allowing for a greater elevation of His Palace because of the faithful fulfillment of their duty.

“That our daughters may be as pillars, sculptured in palace style.”

(Psalms 144:12)

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1 thought on “Prayers For Our Daughters”

  1. Wow! There is so much to digest here. That verse is something to meditate on “That our daughters may be as pillars, sculptured in palace style.”
    (Psalms 144:12). What direction that gives in parenting. Palace style, not manly utilitarian style. Pillars upholding what otherwise would crash down it improperly supported. How strong, firm, and steadfast. Beautiful, strong. Strong supporting not strong leading. Wow

    I used to view submission to husband’s as a fearful cowering submission. But when I read  1 peter 3:6 “As Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord; whose children you have become, if you do good and do not fear any terror.” I realized that submission is more like a first mate submitting to a captain. The first mate is not a weak cowering person. Rather the stronger the first mate thestronger the captain. To call our husband Lord and not to give way to fear is respectful and strong.

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