The Arrow Mission

Above All Else…Love

Our children will be in our home for *such* a small percentage of their lives (less than a 23% on average.)

Let this view of brevity help you decide what really matters. Especially in light of eternity.

Fully step into this most influential position and come alongside them to disciple and train, as opposed to a focus on control.

Correct their hearts instead of just their behaviors.

When you see you’ve stepped into a combative stance against your child, take a moment to reevaluate your goal and approach.


Say less.

Smile and hold more.

Have fun and laugh.

Build. Build. Build.

Train them for the spiritual battles they will face.

Pray for eyes to see their stumbling points so you can help them grow and avoid snares.

Guard their influences and time wasters.

Keep the innocence and joy of childhood for as long as possible, while at the same time building them into proper maturity.

Let the Lord shape you into one who is worthy of imitation.

Allow Him to sift away all impurities that would restrict your spiritual authority to speak Truth into their lives.

And above all else…love.

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