The Arrow Mission


The Bible describes Jehoshaphat as walking in the way of his father and not turning aside from it, but doing what was right in the sight of the Lord.

A prayer we have for all our children.

But the Lord destroyed all of his works.

Why?  Because he allied himself with a wicked king.

“Allied” means to unite, be joined, and band together.

I explained to my children the importance of choosing close friends wisely (and especially a spouse when that time comes).

If they were to ally themselves with someone who was walking a different course, it could destroy the Lord’s works in their life.

Tell your children they are devoted to God. They are holy, separate, and set apart for God. They aren’t meant to fit into the crowd. But they are to firmly fix their feet on the ways of the Lord and be careful to only closely ally themselves to those who are doing likewise.

(2 Chronicles 20:32, 35, 37)

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