The Arrow Mission

Blessings. Gifts. Life.

Eyes often widen when people hear we have 6 children and are happily open to more.

I can tell they have questions but feel rude to ask.

How old are you?!
But when do you plan to stop?

Before we were married, Tim asked me my view on family size. I told him I would need some time to pray about it because it wasn’t something I ever heard discussed and I had never met someone who didn’t prevent pregnancy in some way.

I made a list of reasons to prevent and limit our family size. After looking at the list, I realized my reasons were motivated by self or fear.

“Is God really in control?”
“Won’t I have a baby every 9 months?”
“How will we provide?”
“What about ‘me time?'”
“What will happen to my body?”

I then searched Scripture to find God’s view on children and my heart enlarged to see them the way He does.

Blessings. Gifts. Life.

Together we decided we would joyfully receive all the gifts He had for us without saying no. We would chose faith over fear and surrender over self.

And we have been so incredibly blessed.

I’m grateful I didn’t depend on my own wisdom or the advice of others when it came to our family. I cannot image life without one of these children. They have added so much joy and I see great potential in each one for the Kingdom of God.

We were strongly advised to wait a year or two after marriage before welcoming children. I cannot imagine life without Hugh!

Many probably would have allowed Jesse’s difficult health journey to alter their original path. I cannot imagine life without my girls!

And then still, many would caution against children in my 40s. I cannot imagine leaning on worldly wisdom and closing our family at this point. To me the 40s is not a time to fear “geriatric pregnancy,” but a time to receive any final gifts from God, for His glory.

Fertility is a season. It is not promised and it does not last forever.

I have since met many women who have made the same decision to trust the Lord with their womb. I have discovered for most women the window naturally closes around 44, maybe 45. Some a few years younger.

I am 39.

Births, for me, are spaced 2-2.5 years apart.

I had 2 children in my 20s and 4 children in my 30s.

What will the Lord have for my 40s?

We’re joyfully letting Him decide.

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