The Arrow Mission

By What Power And By What Name

By what power and by what Name do we love our spouse?

As Christians in marriage, our love for one another should stand out, being different than the love of the world, because it should be motivated by the very Spirit of Jesus Christ.

How it must grieve God when those who claim Christ look no different than those who love outside of the His Holy Spirit.

Our love should be able to joyfully lay aside self, take up service, and esteem another in ways that would otherwise not be consistently possible through the flesh.

Being fueled by a power that is larger than ourselves, our love should paint a very evident picture to the cloud of witnesses that there is a living God.

As those who uphold the name of Christ, may we never bring shame to His Name through the way we fail to love or serve one another.

May our love honor God, draw others to Him, and rightly reflect Him to the watching world; and may we through His power rightly hold up His name.

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