The Arrow Mission



When I was in kindergarten, the teacher pinned a tail on my pants, making me wear it all day because I told her something and

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Power Under Control

Parenting is power under control. A parent has a lot of power over their children, and it can be misused easily. It’s even in small

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Stand in His Counsel

Want to know what Scripture says is the route to restore God’s people (your children in this example) and to bring them back from any

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With One Voice

Sometimes in life your eyes are opened to see that you stand on the brink of a choice that can change the course of eternity.

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Worthy of Imitation

A Mama Paraphrase of 1 Peter 5:2-3 after looking at the Greek text: Shepherd, govern, and nourish the children God has given you and entrusted

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A Family Alter

A Family Altar. A place and time carved out daily for the worship of God as a family. A place we gather daily, in the

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Why Obey?

There was a time one of my children went through a time of uncharacteristic disobedience. Premeditated, thought-out, intentional defiance. I first tried removing blessings from

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What are your daily anchors? The things you desire above all else to find their place in your family’s schedule. For me it’s: Alter Time

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Raising Warriors

I have one specific child I see as a warrior – rough and tough, a passion to right the wrongs. There’s tremendous potential for God

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