The Arrow Mission


True Worship

The children and I are learning The Ten Commandments. I had never before realized how similar #1 and #2 were. I told them I would

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Why do you claim to be a Christian? What do you base your salvation on? ▪️Is it because there was a time you repeated the

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His Rightful Place

I have been really praying for God to tear down diving walls and to bring our home into divine working order. Our marriage and our

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Unlocked Cages

What does it mean to be called to holiness? Is it inevitable that we will be bound by sin all the days of our life,

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Putting On

We are called to holiness, just as He is holy. But how? How do we obtain this holiness to which God calls us to? Do

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Faith Defined

Faith. It’s mentioned 229 times, but: What is faith? What can it do? How do we get it? I recently looked up each time “faith” is

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The Purpose of Marriage

What is the purpose of marriage? Disney cartoons from childhood taught us it was for our romance, fulfillment, completion, and happiness. In other words: Self.

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Home Keeping

The Clean Sweep

When it comes to the upkeep of your home, do you ever get that overwhelming feeling of, “Where do I even start?” Our lives are

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Stand in His Counsel

Want to know what Scripture says is the route to restore God’s people (your children in this example) and to bring them back from any

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