The Arrow Mission

Checking In

Checking in with your spouse periodically.

– How are you?

– How can I pray for you?

– Is there anything I could do to help you more?

– Is there anything I could do to make you feel more respected/loved?

– Anything I could do to keep the home differently? Do meals differently?

– Even asking intimate questions.

Instead of just assuming they will tell you any issues, if you ask the specific questions, doors of communication are opened that otherwise may not have been, and at a time when you are better prepared to receive their honesty.

Checking in helps to shift from a self-focus to an others-focus – which is the aim in marriage.

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1 thought on “Checking In”

  1. Wow. Communicating our needs is so hard. This is such a great way to stimulate those conversations. I am so introverted. My natural tendency is to just hold everything in which prevents connection and can harbor bitterness. This is a wonderful way to open and allow space for your spouse to open. Typically I feel like these connecting conversations only happen after a *fight* when emotions are high. Having these conversations without those feelings would be so much more helpful.

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