The Arrow Mission

Counsel and Exhortation

Jesus, the Great Shepherd of our souls, gave us an example of counsel and exhortation when He addressed the seven churches in Revelation 2-3.

As parents, what can we learn from Jesus’ approach? What can we find within these letters to model as we aim to lead our children towards righteousness?

Reading through them, I saw a pattern worthy of emulation as I counsel my children.

#1 – Each address begins with a reminder of who Jesus is. His name, His character, His authority. For us, this could look like, “I am your parent, who loves you very much. My focus is your righteousness before the Lord. I dedicate myself to your upbringing and pray for eyes to see where I can help you, in hopes for you to become all you were designed to be, to the glory of God.”

#2 – In every letter, He then moves to a section of saying, “I know your works…” where He builds them up in what He sees they are doing right. He praises all that is commendable. We too can draw attention to that which is praiseworthy. We can name the specific ways their character is known and their efforts to do well are seen. When we speak into their lives in this way, we encourage them and help build their identity.

# 3 – He then follows up with a time of instruction, “Nevertheless, I have this against you…” He points out the areas that are in need of correction. He aims to help them expand their vision to see beyond the temporary; and with this larger view, He tries to impart wisdom. He calls them to repentance by attempting to give them eyes to see the outcome of their ways. “Repent and do or else…” He helps them see the bad that is to come if they don’t turn from their ways. “Remember therefore…” Oh, how important this step is in parenting. To pray for eyes to see; and then, once we see, to help our children see. We don’t want our children to be blind to hinderances in their lives, areas of weakness, or snares of the enemy. In truth and love, we should be continually calling them to repentance.

# 4 – At this point in His address, Jesus put the final responsibility upon the hearer, “He who has ear, let him hear what the Spirit has to say…” I too have found this to be fruitful when I address my children. It’s ultimately up to them to heed our instruction, and they need to know that. They need to know their personal responsibility to be teachable and receive counsel.

# 5 – Jesus completes every letter with a promise, “To him who overcomes…” He paints vivid pictures of the immense blessings in store for those who live in righteousness. He gives them strength by helping them see what’s beyond the battle. As we continually hold out the hope we possess as children of God, we likewise can be an encouragement for our children.


What if we purposed to routinely sit our children down, one-on-one, to counsel their hearts and exhort them as Jesus did in these letters to the seven churches?

– First, giving them a reminder of who we are as their God-given shepherds, our commitment to them, and our intentions to assist the good work the Lord has started in their lives.

– Followed by a time of acknowledgement of the commendable things in their life and character. A proclamation of all that deserves praise. Assuring them they are known and seen.

– Followed by a time of exhortation as we draw their attention to an area of their life that needs repentance. We appeal to them to see and turn as we warn them of a hinderance or snare they may be unaware of.

– We then remind them of their ultimate responsibility to hear with humility and receive counsel through a teachable spirit.

– We finish up with a reminder of the blessed hope we have when we heed instruction and live according to God’s Word.


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