The Arrow Mission

Displeasing Obedience

He says, “Yes, ma’am!” But his tone is sharp. Angry. Irritated. Disrespectful.

He does what I’ve asked, but the scowl on his face and the heavy stomp of each footstep tells me he’s not happy about it.

Meer external compliance is not what us parents are after. Obedience without a yielded spirit brings little pleasure.

I want his heart.
And so does God.

The New Testament brings the focus from the external actions to our internal workings. The root behind the fruit. The intentions behind the behavior.

Jesus called those hypocrites who drew near with their mouth and honored God with their lips, but their heart was far from Him. Their worship was in vain.

Obedience that brings pleasure to God is what’s produced from a yielded spirit. He desires a surrendered will and a heart that’s turned towards His.

Before we focus on the externals, let us first seek an internal alignment to the heart of God so we can walk in a true obedience that pleases Him.

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