The Arrow Mission

Establish an Alter

It was through a book written by J. R. Miller that I first learned about a family alter. He encouraged readers to establish one right away. A place to come together as a family to worship, pray, and talk about the Lord.

I had never seen it modeled, and I questioned my ability. I felt unprepared and unqualified, but we started that day.

I picked a central place in our home and pulled my children in around me.

It has become the most looked forward to time of our day. I aim to faithfully bring my children to the Lord’s presence and wash them with His truths, with faith He will bless the time. I pray they gain eyes that see, ears that hear, hearts of wisdom, and minds of understanding.

Seed upon seed, truth upon truth, layer upon layer we talk about God’s Word.

I encourage you, just like I was encouraged that day, establish an alter in your home. Choose a place. Choose a time. And just start.

I aim for three things: prayer, worship, and the Word. Just start somewhere and let the Lord lead it. He will equip you. Your ability will develop with time. He will fill the mouth that’s willing to speak for Him.

The first and most important church for you to attend is the church under your roof. Knit the lives of your family members together in Him. Build up a holy habitation for the Lord.

When we are gathered in His name, God promises to be in our midst. Bring your family into His presence.

Some ideas: learn a hymn, pick a book of the Bible to read through, pray youngest to oldest, define biblical words, read through puritan prayers, share a testimony, share what you’re learning, use bible trivia cards, do a bible race where the children race to find a verse first and read it out loud, find a family devotional.

Have fun and have faith in the power of gathering in His presence to exalt Him and talk about His Word.


Following are some of the inspiring quotes from the book that by J. R. Miller:

“What is it that makes a home a Christian home? Should there not be some difference between a Christian and a heathen home? Should not God’s children live differently from the children of this world? What mark is there that distinguishes our home from the home of our godless neighbor if there be no family alter?

There must be a family worship where all assemble to listen devoutly to God’s Word and bow reverently in supplication at God’s feet.

You want [our children’s] characters to be permeated with truths of God’s Word. Can you hope that this will be so if they are not from childhood accustomed daily to hear these truths in their own homes?

It is impossible to estimate the full influence of the reading of the Word in a home day after day, year after year. It filters into the hearts of the young. It is absorbed into their souls. It colors all their thoughts. It is wrought into the very fiber of their minds. It imbues them with its own spirit. Its holy teachings become the principles of their lives, which rule their conduct and shape all their actions.

Where every day the Bible is read in a home in the ears of the children, and its lessons simply and prayerfully taught, the effect is incalculable.

Such links as this between a child’s soul and heaven become in the end a chain of gold which no power can break.”



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