Works is not the ROOT of salvation.
It is *not* Faith + Works = Salvation.
Instead, works is the FRUIT of salvation.
It is Faith = Salvation + Works.
No amount of work I could set myself towards could fulfill the requirements of the Lord’s laws.
Even if my eager pursuit of Him took no rest, and my tears of repentance never stopped flowing, even that could not make amends for sin.
God must save me, and God alone, by the finished work of Christ on the cross.
We are called to show the fruit of salvation in good works, and to be zealous and repent. But this is not what saves. This does not make atonement for sin.
It is faith in Christ alone.
Take your eyes off yourself and put them on Christ. He has finished the work. From that place of faith, let your works, zeal, and repentance flow as fruit of your salvation.
The 2nd Stanza of Rock of Ages:
Not the labors of my hands
Can fulfill Thy laws’ demands
Could my zeal no respite know
Could my tears forever flow
All for sin could not atone
Thou must save and Thou alone