The Arrow Mission

His Rightful Place

I have been really praying for God to tear down diving walls and to bring our home into divine working order.

Our marriage and our home had a lot of self and sin, which lead to division and walls.

I didn’t like what we had become.

There was a lack of Scripture in our home and we weren’t authentically living lives in pursuit of God.

One day, I knew, death would part my husband and I, and I greatly feared the pain of regret on that day because I knew we weren’t living up to what God had ordained and gifted for husband and wife.

We weren’t rightly putting on display the love of God to the watching world, especially to our children.

I was grieved to see when those who denied Christ were better able to portray love than we were. I felt this grieved God too because it’s our love for one another that’s intended to depict the gospel, and we were falling short of that.

I have recently seen an absolutely incredible shift and I want to testify on God’s power to redeem.

In our home, where there was once pride and arrogance; offense and sharp interactions; miscommunication, assuming wrong motives, and an angry spirit…

There is now softness, tenderness, and understanding; communication, oneness, partnership, and love.

The place that used to be filled with a heavy dark spirit is now being replaced with the Holy Spirit.

Dividing walls are quickly crumbling.

God is restoring to us the joy of our courtship with the added level of oneness spiritually.

I can feel the power of rushing along in unison when we come together in prayer, and the shepherding of our children is blossoming as we have this singleness of heart.

Alter Time has become the most looked-forward to parts of our day – when we come together morning and evening in the living room to sing hymns, read/discuss scripture, and pray.

I feel God’s presence and His favor on our family.

With God being given His rightful place in our individual lives, He has been allowed to take His rightful place in our home, and His power is being released.

I pray this gives all of us hope on the power of God’s redeeming presence that can flood the spaces we surrender to Him.

May we be given the ability to live in such a way through His Spirit that that there’s no fear of regret at the end of this fleeting life, giving Him the full glory.


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