The Arrow Mission

Holiness of the Womb

Have you ever had occasion when your eyes were opened to see something from the Lord’s perspective and you were moved to a weeping repentance?

It happened to me last night as I read of the intended holiness of the womb that bears a holy seed from the Lord.

It’s the highest hope of motherhood for our child to be filled with the Holy Spirit even from his time in the womb (Luke 1:15).

However, instead, when the spirit of the world and flesh are allowed to have their rule in the mother’s life, it hinders the influence of the Spirit upon the child, and there’s a heritage of unholy appetite and passion. Like begets like.

I weeped as I thought of the ways I have grieved the Holy Spirit throughout my years of mothering by allowing sin and self to rule in my will. I grieved as I thought of how the sins I have allowed may have impacted those I love the most and hindered the Spirit’s influence in their lives.

But the wonderful truth of His grace and power is that God is not bound by time as we are. When we cry out for it, the blood of His Son can redeem and cover the sins of our past, and we can stand in confident expectation of His mercy and divine goodness.

In God’s sight, your motherhood is a holier and more blessed thing than you realize. May we pursue sanctification and holiness for the sakes of your children and the magnification of the glory of His name.

There’s no greater way to influence your children than by turning your gaze fully to Him so you may be refined by God’s Holy Spirit.

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