The Arrow Mission

How Many Children?


How many more children do you think you will have?


Only God knows. They are ALL welcomed! We will take all of our babies God will give us.

Before we got married, to be of one mind, we sought the Lord’s will for us through prayer and Scripture on how we would welcome children into our family. We agreed on full surrender in this area, trusting God as the Creator of Life, to give and to provide as He wills.

The fertile season in one’s life is not promised and is relatively short. We see it as a gift to embrace and surrender to Him.

I imagine God coming down, holding a child in His arms, asking if I would say yes to Him, to take and raise this child for Him. Of course! I would never say no to that. It’s all in worship to Him.

What would motivate my saying no? Fear to provide? A focus on a perceived easier way?

I chose faith.

It’s not always easy. Having only one child isn’t be easy. Parenthood is surrender. It’s sanctification. It’s sacrifice. But, oh, the joy!!

As I live this life that is only a vapor, a mist here for only a short time, I feel there’s little I could set my efforts towards that hold a greater reward than loving these children of His.

And by doing, I am storing up treasures in heaven. I pray each soul will one day be with us for all eternity in worship.

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