The Arrow Mission

Is it a Sin to Control Family Size?


Is it a sin to control family size?


I do not know.

I cannot speak for every unique situation, and I don’t know if there’s one answer for everyone.

But I do know the One who does:  The Lord. And we have the tremendous blessing of being able to seek His heart and His will in prayer to find the answer.

If we humble ourselves before the Lord, set our hearts to understand, seek His wisdom while being willing to follow where He leads: He will direct our steps.

Family size is one of the many topics that has a very narrow balancing point. True balance is always our goal. I see the potential of error on either side of true balance in this decision towards fear and selfishness.

Some can become so fixated on a large family that their hearts become distracted and discontented. Pregnancy and children become an idol. They lose their focus on the Creator and instead glory in the creation. And they feel judgement towards those who view things differently.

And then there is the other side who close themselves off to the leading of the Lord. They have decided for themselves what they think is best, without the willingness to examine the motivations of their heart or seek the Lord’s guidance and wisdom. And they feel judgement towards those who view things differently.

Perhaps the most important factor in this entire decision comes down to your heart.

God, not man.

Faith, not fear.

Surrender, not selfishness.

In all areas of our lives, God desires for us to seek His will instead of man’s, to be motivated by faith instead of fear, and to live a life of surrender instead of one centered on self.

Have you sought the Lord’s heart on the matter of your family size with a surrendered will, ready to go where He leads? Is your choice fueled by fear or by faith? Are you motivated out of a desire to serve and please self or the Lord?

With this decision we often have to continually examine our hearts and return to a place of humility, surrender, and faith.

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2 thoughts on “Is it a Sin to Control Family Size?”

  1. For what it’s worth, the only regret Paul and I have as elderly people is not having more children. How foolish that choice seems now! Our children and grandchildren were and are our greatest blessing from God’s hand. They have brought us more joy than any other experience and more than any possession. Thankfully, in spite of our foolish choice, God has graciously given us opportunity to unofficially “adopt” several young people who lack family connection. His grace covers every foolish choice!

  2. Amen. So many of these specific questions are not for anyone to answer except the Lord. The Lord really just wants us to learn to walk by his leading, and he leads us all deferential. He is more interested in our listening to him rather than a prescribed living.

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