The Arrow Mission

Just Float

Do you feel the difference?

When you’re walking in the flesh vs walking in the Spirit?

I was once so weary. Continually feeling like a failure as my best efforts fell short. Always trying harder to do better. With the best of intentions, yet just using the wrong source of power.

It was like I was treading water. Feeling like I was near drowning. Trying desperately to keep my head above water. Questioning, “Is this really what it’s supposed to be like?”

But then…

Somehow something in my understanding clicked. I had an awareness and understanding of the Holy Spirit and surrendered to His work in my life.

I received.

And then, instead of treading water, I was swept up and away by His current. I no longer had to work to stay afloat. I experienced weightlessness in my dependency upon Him. Quietness in my mind.

The rest.
The refreshing.
The peace.

To walk in the Spirit is to be endued with strength from above. An endless available supply left untapped when my focus was turned to my own efforts and strength.

It’s a freeing feeling, and I fully believe I’ve only scratched the surface of what’s available to us as His children.

I can tell when I’m out of step with the Spirit and attempt to put my feet back down.

Then I remember…and just float.

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