The Arrow Mission

Marriage Vows, Part 2

I vow to perform my role as keeper of the home with joy, taking care of the domestic affairs, freeing you for God’s calling on your life. I want to create a home for you. One of order, peace, refuge, comfort, love, fun, and warmth. A haven that is inviting, clean, and a magnet drawing us in. One you feel admired and appreciated in. One in which you can feel the love and serenity of Christ. I want to have a heart for our home.

I vow to intercede for you through earnest prayer, lifting you up to the Lord. I will fight for our marriage with all my strength through prayer. I want to remember that we are a cord of three strands. Also, I want to remember the devil is the enemy, not you.

I vow to keep my covenant till death do us part. This is a lifelong commitment to you. There is nothing that you and I cannot conquer with the help of the Lord. Divorce will not be an option and I will not allow it to enter my mind. On our marriage day, you become the only man in the world for me.

I vow to keep our marriage bed pure. I will put the utmost importance on guarding my thoughts and heart from anything impure and unfaithful. I will keep the standard of not doing or saying anything that I would not do or say with you next to me. I will not put myself in compromising situations that could cause you or others to question my devotion to you. I want you to be able to say without a doubt that you have full confidence in me. I do not want to ever cause you the pain of jealousy. I will not allow another man to take your place in my heart, mind, or time.

I vow to fulfill my marital duty as your wife as explained in 1 Corinthians 7. When we become one, I yield authority of my body to you. I do not want to deprive you, but to initiate and respond to you, reminding myself that sex within marriage is a beautiful gift from God and a reminder of our covenant of oneness.

I vow to take care of my body, both for my health and as a way to show love to you. I will put effort into the way I present myself to you. I will strive to appeal to your tastes in what you find attractive.

I vow to be your teammate, partnering with you and pulling in the same direction. I want to initiate a deepening friendship with you as we continue to learn more about each other and grow. I want to enjoy life with you as your companion. I want to love you, realizing that you are the Lord’s precious son whom I have been blessed with the joyous task of loving, serving, and helping. I want to remember the things I did from the beginning to show you my love and adoration. I will intentionally cultivate a deepening love for you.

I vow to partner with you in raising our children, remaining a united front and team. I want to model love and respect for our children through the way I talk to you and about you, and through my actions and attitude towards you. Even after children come, you will remain my number one priority. I believe the best way to love children is through loving their father, letting them feel the security in the home.

I vow to keep my relationship with God first, followed by you, then the children, then the home, and then ministry outside the home. I never want to get these priorities out of order.

I vow to seek the power from the Holy Spirit to live worthy of the calling I have received as your wife.

Apart from God, I can do nothing

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1 thought on “Marriage Vows, Part 2”

  1. I love that you ended it with apart from God I can do nothing. You whad such clear sight! These are amazing vows. We used to repeat our vows to each other on our anniversary but it became silly. These are so weighty

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