The Arrow Mission

Our Child’s Tutor

Paidagōgos (G3807) is a word used in Galatians 3:24-25 referring to the law’s role in leading us to Christ.

The word is translated as tutor, guardian, or schoolmaster.

After reading the definition, I learned Greek and Roman parents enlisted trustworthy slaves to be the guardian of their sons. These guides were charged with the duty of supervising the boys’ life and morals. Until manhood, the boys were not allowed to leave the home without their tutor.

Oh, how far we have fallen in childrearing!

I’ve had a recent revelation that my children’s relatively short stay at home is a time of training. We are to pray for eyes to see and identify their snares and temptations so we can equip them for life when we are no longer their ever-present guide.

I explain to them I’m not being critical, but when I see a stronghold, repeated sin, or weakness, I’m going to point it out in love. Together we can then go to the Word, finding Truth to properly battle and overcome.  The Word of God is our powerful weapon, and our children need to learn how to wield it.

The temptation is to feel unqualified to speak into someone’s life because we ourselves have not yet arrived at perfection. But that’s a lie to throw off. We can live transparently, humbly sharing how the Lord is working in us, while still allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us in the equipping of our children.

Until adulthood, as they sit under our influence, we are charged with the duty of supervising our children’s life and morals. As their paidagōgos, we take the position of shepherd and tutor, guardian and guide.

What a high calling we are given.

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