The Arrow Mission


Peace is the blessedness of being restored to wholeness, completeness, and soundness. It’s the harmony when we allow the Lord to join all our parts together into one.

Try as one might, true peace cannot be found outside of a right relationship with God.

I looked up every time “peace” is found in the Bible, and this is what I learned:

Having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through Jesus Christ.

We can…
Walk in peace
Go in peace
Live in peace
Die in peace
Speak peace
Proclaim peace
Love peace
Seek peace
Pursue peace
Make peace
Look for peace
Pray for peace
Enter into peace
Lie down in peace

Peace is from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Is a God of peace.
Is the author of peace.
Has called us to peace.
Establishes peace for us.
Speaks peace to His people.
Can keep one in perfect peace.
Will bless His people with peace.
Can have thoughts of peace towards us.

It was prophesied that peace would characterize the Messiah, and there would be no end to the increase of His peace.

Himself is our peace.
Is the Prince of peace.
Preached peace.
Made peace through the blood of the cross.
Came to guide our feet in the way of peace.
Said, “Peace I leave you, My peace I give to you.” And, “In Me you may have peace.” After His resurrection, three times Jesus said to His disciples, “Peace be with you.”

God made an everlasting covenant of peace with His people.
The gospel is called the gospel of peace.
Those who love God’s law have great peace.
The law and commandments add peace to us.
When we heed God’s commandments, we will have peace like a river.
Peace is the future for those who are blameless and upright.
All paths of wisdom are peace.
The meek will delight themselves in abundance of peace.

However, the way of peace is not known to some.
Our soul can be moved far from peace.
God can take away His peace from people.
There’s no peace for the wicked.

Righteousness and peace have kissed.
A work of righteousness will be peace.
The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace.
The kingdom of God is righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

We are to be…
Ambassadors of peace.
Counselors of peace.
Led out with peace.
Diligent to be found in peace.

We are to…
Let the peace of God rule in our hearts.
Pursue things which make for peace.
Pursue peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
Pursue peace and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.
Preach peace through Jesus Christ.
Let the peace of God rule in our hearts.
Be at peace among ourselves.

There is…
An abundance of peace.
Words of peace.
Voice of peace.
Prophesies of peace.
Thoughts of peace.
Way of peace.
Land of peace.

To be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Peace can be multiplied to us.

Peace be to you, peace to your house, and peace to all that you have!
Peace within us.
Peace within our walls.
Great shall be the peace of our children.

God gives His covenant of peace.
We can become in His eyes as one who has found peace.
God will extend peace to us like a river.
The Lord of peace Himself can give us peace always in every way.
The Lord can lift His countenance upon us, and give us peace.
The God of hope can fill us with all peace.
The peace of God can guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.


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