The Arrow Mission

Pillars of the Door

As parents, we are those who “bring up” our children. While reading in 2 Kings, I came across this phrase twice. Looking up the Hebrew meanings to these words painted such a beautiful picture of our role!

“The bringers up” – H539 – אָמַן

  • To turn to the right
  • To properly build up, support, and establish
  • To render firm, faithful, sure, and lasting
  • To uphold and carry
  • To nourish and believe in
  • To be steadfast, reliable, faithful, and trusty
  • To be pillars, supporters of the door

“Brought them up” – H1431 – גָּדַל

  • To cause to grow, become important, and do great things
  • To promote proudly
  • To praise, magnify, and lift up
  • To nourish up

“Pillars of the door” – seems to be the phrase that pulls all these definitions together. As pillars of a door, we are the pillars of our children to support, strengthen, direct, establish, uphold, promote, and lift them up.

May we be all of that to our children! Through the wisdom and power of God, may we turn them to the right way, rendering them firm and faithful, believing in them, nourishing them, causing them to grow, and proudly promoting them to become all the Lord has for them.

(2 Kings 10, verses 5&6)

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