The Arrow Mission

Prayer Sticks

Praying individually, hand in hand, with your children every day. The power in this may not be fully known until we reach eternity. In order to be faithful in this task daily, I have tried a few different methods:

  1. I have set a daily alarm for each child at the time of day they were born. When their alarm went off, we would pray together. They got to pick their own alarm tune, and looked forward to hearing the sound of their alarm go off. 
  2. I have tried using bracelets, a different color for each child. I would start the day with the bracelets on one wrist, and move their bracelet to the other wrist once I prayed for them. The children were able to look at my wrists to see if I had prayed for them yet that day.
  3. And finally, Prayer Sticks. The thing that so far seems to work best for us. After alter time every morning, each child will “pick a stick.”  I then pray for them according to the stick they picked. We all really look forward to this time of day.

Here is a list of the prayers I have written on the popsickle sticks:

  • A heart of flesh
  • A life of earnest prayer
  • Ability to laugh at days to come
  • Absence of pride
  • Authenticity
  • Boldness
  • Bond with family
  • Cheerful demeanor
  • Clearly see the lies of the enemy
  • Communication with us
  • Conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ
  • Confidence
  • Considerate
  • Contentment
  • Continuing pursuit of the Lord
  • Control over anger
  • Control over tongue
  • Courage
  • Deep joy
  • Desire for growth
  • Desire for spouse with godly virtues
  • Discernment
  • Equanimity
  • Eternal perspective
  • Eternal values
  • Everlasting covenant with God
  • Eyes fixed on God
  • Faithfulness
  • Fear of God and not men
  • Feet firmly planted in truth
  • Freedom from bondage to anything
  • Freedom from rule of self
  • Freedom from unfruitful time wasters
  • Freedom in Christ
  • Fruitful homeschooling
  • Fruits of the Spirit more and more evident in their character
  • Full armor of God
  • Full of laughter
  • Gentleness
  • Give their hearts to us
  • God’s blessing on all endeavors
  • God’s guidance
  • Godliness
  • Godly mentors
  • Godly friends
  • Godly lineage
  • Godly heroes and inspirations
  • Godly influences
  • Godly masculinity/femininity
  • Godly spouse
  • Good nutrition
  • Good relationship with siblings
  • Good soil in their hearts
  • Gratefulness
  • Hard worker
  • Health
  • Heart full of gratitude
  • Heart given to their parents
  • Hearts not hardened
  • Holiness
  • Honesty
  • Humility
  • Identity built on God’s thoughts
  • Influence
  • Integrity
  • Intimate communion with God
  • Intimate, deep, growing, personal relationship with God
  • Joyful obedience to God’s Word
  • Kept by God
  • Kindness
  • Long suffering
  • Love
  • Love of home
  • Love of their childhood
  • May they speak face to face with God
  • Meek and humble spirit
  • Mighty warrior
  • Modesty
  • Molded and shaped by God
  • Noble character
  • Obedience
  • Opened doors
  • Opened eyes to see the difference between religion and true relationship with God
  • Passion for the Word
  • Peace
  • Peacemaker
  • Pour Your spirit and blessing on them
  • Proper priorities
  • Purity of eyes and mind
  • Purity till marriage
  • Quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger
  • Quietness in soul
  • Raised for kingdom purposes
  • Resist lies of culture
  • Respect for parent
  • Revelation
  • Safety
  • Sanctification
  • See their body as a temple
  • Self control
  • Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit
  • Servant hearts
  • Set apart
  • Shielded eyes and ears
  • Shielded from bondage of lust
  • Shielded from lies of the world
  • Significant influence
  • Solid foundation
  • Sound doctrine
  • Spiritual fruitfulness
  • Spiritual growth
  • Steps directed by God
  • Strength
  • Strength against temptation
  • Teachable spirits
  • The Lord’s favor
  • The Lord’s protection
  • Thirst for righteousness
  • To be mightily used
  • True awareness of their condition apart from Christ
  • True conversion
  • Turn to us for guidance
  • Unwavering biblical convictions
  • Virtuous
  • Wall of protection
  • Well-equipped to teach the next generation
  • Wisdom and understanding
  • Wisdom with finances
  • Wonderful memories
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