The Arrow Mission

Raising Warriors

I have one specific child I see as a warrior – rough and tough, a passion to right the wrongs.

There’s tremendous potential for God in his life. There’s a strength in him I know the Lord will use to defeat armies; however, I also know the enemy is equally trying to use those strengths as a snare to hinder his potential.

I aim to use this time he’s in our home to help train him for the battle.

A few things I continually remind him:

– The Lord has big plans for you. He wants to use you as a warrior for him. But the first battle you have to win is slaying the Goliath that’s inside of you. That giant inside is pride, and if it’s not slain, it will be a snare that will entangle.

– You’ve got to get out of the mud! The mud is self-pity, and it’s a sin. Don’t wallow in the mud. Get up. You’re a child of God. Relinquish what you think you’re entitled to.

– Whenever you feel the temptation soar, you’ve got to look for that exit door (“bum bum” because that part is a song). God will always give you an escape when you feel tempted to sin. Run towards it.

– You hurt him out of anger? It’s not you’re job to avenge. Teach him how to love by example. Forgive him. Bless him. Pray for him. Leave vengeance to the Lord. Don’t imitate evil.

– You HAVE been given the gift of self-control. You have to believe it and walk in it.

– Are you being led by the flesh or by the Spirit?

Our children are in our home and influence for a short time. It can be a training field for the battles they are going to fight (and that has never seemed more real than this last rise of darkness in our world.)

As parents, surrendering our own lives to the will of God gives us spiritual authority to speak into their lives. This is something to throw ourselves towards.

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