The Arrow Mission

Repentance and Remission

Repentance and the remission of sins are two things Scripture says should be preached in the name of Jesus to all nations. (Luke 24:47)

But are they?

Or are these two foundational gospel truths largely dismissed by the majority of preaching today?

What is repentance, and have you personally experienced it?

Repentance is the changing of one’s mind. It’s where the new birth happens and you get the mind of Christ. Your inner man turns towards God and His righteousness, while turning away from sin, the world, and self.

Because many haven’t heard the need or power of repentance, they easily come into the faith, while remaining unchanged and untouched by His cleansing Spirit.

True salvation will never allow you to remain in your same cycling sinful thought and behavior patterns, positioned towards your former ways. Repentance brings salvation; salvation brings repentance.

The remission of sins is another vital message largely left out of the pulpit today. What is it, and have you experienced it?

Remission means to be released from the bondage, imprisonment, and penalty of sin.

Do you believe that’s possible? Or do you believe sin is just part of who you are until heaven? That there are things which will forever war in your members, leaving you continually defeated and unable to walk in full victory?

I considered myself a Christian for 15 years before I understood the message of repentance and remission. It is then that I sat myself in the Lord’s presence and asked Him to sift me to remove all that hindered His Holy Spirit.

I began turning to align myself to Him, surrendering my will, and allowing the Word of God to change my thoughts. I’m continually being immersed in repentance and remission as the finger of God uncovers and reveals truth. The process has brought, and continues to bring, divine order and peace.

I am so grieved at how many people claim Christ yet comfortably sit in their sin because they’ve never heard the message of repentance and remission. Far too many stay imprisoned to what Christ died to free them from because they don’t know there’s another way.

Jesus came to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind. He came to heal the brokenhearted, set at liberty those who are oppressed, and open the doors to those who are bound.

If you are still broken, held captive, blind, oppressed, or bound, then there’s a gospel fullness still to walk into through an understanding of repentance and remission.  

Don’t stop short.

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