The Arrow Mission

Shepherd Your Children

Do you feel equipped to teach the Word of God to your children?

If not, please don’t let that stop you! Commit to doing it anyway.

We need to seek the anointing and spiritual authority from God to truly shepherd our children.

We learn by doing it. God will bless your efforts and you will step into the ability as you faithfully feed the Word of God to your children daily.

We need to be gathering our families together at least once a day at our family alter – a place and time set aside to worship, pray, read, and memorize scripture.

It may feel unnatural at first. You may stutter, stumble, and question your ability. But keep at it. The Holy Spirit will equip you.

We are living in an hour when all that is opposed to God is raising its voice and targeting our children. Our children need to be hearing God’s truth from us. Continuously.

They will spend about 25% of their life in your home under your direct daily influence. Be faithful with the 25% so they are equipped to battle well the remaining 75%.

Don’t wait until you feel ready. Step out in faith and God will meet you there.

We need to establish in our home that which the gates of hell shall not prevail against!

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