The Arrow Mission

Stand in His Counsel

Want to know what Scripture says is the route to restore God’s people (your children in this example) and to bring them back from any path or course of life that is displeasing to God, and from any deeds that are of bad quality?

1. Stand in His counsel

2. Cause them to hear His words

From the Hebrew meanings of these words, this means to:

1. Stand, remain, continue, abide, persist, and be steadfast in God’s secret counsel, company, and intimacy,

2. Cause them to listen, obey, hear with attention and interest, understand, give heed to, yield to God’s Word.

You have the opportunity to influence your children, so make this a commitment today:

1. Abide in God’s intimacy. Be steadfast in His company. Remain in His secret counsel.

2. Cause your children to hear and obey His Word.

Let this awe you: The invitation is presented by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Maker or heaven and earth, your Creator, to enter into His company, in intimacy, in order to hear His secret counsel.

Do this daily! Abide in it. Be steadfast in it. Remain in it. Continue in it.

And then, cause your children to hear and obey His word.

God says *if only* we would do this, then we could restore them and bring them back from disagreeable ways and evil deeds.

This is an invitation I am going to take!

But if they had stood in My counsel, and had caused My people to hear My words, then they would have turned them from their evil way and from the evil of their doings. (Jeremiah 23:22)

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