The Arrow Mission

The Beauty of Humble Service

Abigail. Described in the Bible as a woman of good understanding and beautiful appearance.

Her wisdom in speech saved many from death and helped David avoid shameful regret.

When David later proposed to her, asking her to be his wife, Abigail rose in haste to go to him. And I love this description of her character:

Then she arose, bowed her face to the earth, and said, “Here is your maidservant, a servant to wash the feet of the servants of my lord.” (1 Samuel 25:41)

Bowed in reverent deference, she took the place of a servant to his servants.

Esteeming others better than herself and willingly aligning herself in a position of humble service.

Oh how ugly is our pride and how beautiful is lowliness!

We think far too much for ourselves and far too little for the service of others.

May we rightly humble ourselves before God so that we may humble ourselves before others.

For the LORD…will beautify the humble with salvation. (Psalm 149:4)

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1 thought on “The Beauty of Humble Service”

  1. Make a Disney princess movie like that. King asks a woman to be his wife and she washes the servants feet. Let this be the heart of our girls who love to play princess.

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