The Arrow Mission

The Greatest of These

I’m trying to get my six children all pulling in the same direction so we can get out the door.

Chores done, car loaded, everyone dressed, shoes on. All the things. I feel the pressure of the ticking clock.

My mind is running through the list of to-dos for each person in the home, trying to make sure nothing is forgotten.

Shooting out orders like missiles, I feel disappointed when they don’t seem as focused or motivated as me. Hating that I have to repeat myself more than I’d like, I try to get their attention and stress the importance of obedience.

My chest gets tight. I feel my face contort and hear my voice click into that deeper, serious mom-tone. I get hasty with my words and begin to fuss.

Once we are loaded and pull away, I release a big long sigh. I don’t like the feeling of rushing my children. I don’t like fussing. I don’t like feeling we are on opposing ends. I don’t like when I see their faces fall and spirits deflate.

I question how I can do it differently next time. Start sooner? Clearer communication? Stricter punishments? Motivate with awards?

My mind goes to 1 Corinthians 13:1-8, but in the Mom Edition…

Though I ensure the chores all get done, the yard and rooms are picked up and animals fed, but have not love, I become a nagging mom.

Though I have the gift of service, scrubbing toilets and washing dishes, and have all the strength to fold mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

And though dinner is served and tummies are full, and I give of myself to the raising of children, but have not love, it profits me nothing.

His love suffers long and is kind; does not envy or parade itself, and is not puffed up. It does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, and thinks no evil. His love does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth. God’s love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. His love never fails.


Though, of course, I have the emotion of motherly love and the acts of sacrificial love, but if I don’t operate through the Spirit of God’s love, how is my home benefited? How are my children served? And how is God glorified?

It’s just a reminder for me to allow the Lord’s love to manifest through me…especially in those times when it’s needed the most.

May the Lord help me to remember that though I do a lot of needful things for my home, the greatest of these is love. 

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