The Arrow Mission

The Refiner’s Fire

John 17 gives us a glimpse into Jesus’ parental heart for His disciples as He prays for them.

In verse 14 He prayed that His disciples were not of the world *JUST AS* He was not of the world.

Can we echo this?

As Christian parents we should want our children to not be of this world. That they would belong to another Kingdom, as pilgrims just passing through, freed from the bondage of this world. Renewed in knowledge. Walking with wisdom, in the image of their Creator. Knowing God and being known by Him.

We should want them to act different, dress different, and talk different than unbelievers. Their values and priorities being notably distinguishable. We should want them to be holy – set apart from the world and set apart unto God for His service.

But are we wanting something more for them than we are walking in?

Can we pray for our children to be separated from the world to the same degree that we are separated?

Are we modeling the holiness we want for our children?

We need to sit ourselves in the refiner’s fire to be washed, purified, and purged.

As we live a life pleasing to the Lord and offer to the Lord the offering of righteousness, there’s no greater gift we could give to our children.

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