The Arrow Mission

The Spirit of our Correction

My prayer this morning was that during times of correction with our children, our spirit would not create walls.

We have been given the task of shepherding the lives, heart, and character of our children towards maturity and godliness. Correction can be done either through the flesh or through the Spirit.

The flesh reacts with harshness and anger. It threatens. It tears down and belittles. With a viewpoint clouded by the temporal, it puts importance on fleeting things. It’s done often in haughtiness.

The Spirit responds with self-control and love. It teaches. It builds up and strengthens. With a viewpoint on the eternal, it puts importance on lasting things. It’s done in humility.

I pray that our correction would not deflate the spirits of our children, cause division between us, misrepresent or grieve God. I pray it is done remembering our children are not ours to control, but His to train; and we cannot properly do this when we are in the flesh.

For the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God (James 1:20).

I myself always strive to have a conscience without offense toward God and men (Acts 24:16).

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