The Arrow Mission

Unmet Expectations

What do you do if your spouse is not meeting your expectations?

One way would be to fix your attention on what you are not getting that you think you are entitled to, and then attempt to change your spouse through your words and actions.

Another way would be to fix your attention on God, and ask Him to bring about the changes in your marriage that would most glorify Him in His timing.

What to pray for:

  1. God’s will
  2. God’s glory
  3. God’s revelation on anything that needs to be changed in you

What to aim for:

  1. Having an eternal perspective and remembering this time is very short
  2. Doing all you can to be faithful to your covenant
  3. Getting your deep needs met by God
  4. Guarding against resentment
  5. Choosing joy
  6. Guarding your tongue against slander
  7. Remembering the true enemy is not your husband
  8. Waiting on God
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