The Arrow Mission

No Pain of Regret

Death will one day separate my husband and I (unless we die together or the Lord comes back for His people first.)

This is an inescapable truth for every couple.

Would we gain wisdom to hold this truth in our hearts and allow it to shape our days?

How differently will we see things on that day – things that now seem big may seem insignificant, and things that now are overlooked may be the things we miss the most.

How silly will our selfishness, self-protection, and pride look on that day?

May we desire to live and love in such a way that when the day of death comes, as much as it depends on us, there will not be the pain of regret.

May the Lord polish away the sin that separates and callouses the two people He has brought together as one.

And though we are but dust, may He empower us to portray the beauty of His gospel to the watching world – especially to the eyes of our children, leading them on to serve the Lord we claim to love.

No one will pray for your spouse as you can – are you doing it?

No one can meet those deep, often unspoken, needs of your spouse like you can – are you praying for God to reveal them to you?

Life is short.

Sin blinds.

May the Lord teach us to number our days to gain a heart of wisdom.

And as said in Psalm 68:28 “O God, strengthen what You have done for us.”

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