The Arrow Mission

Turn Daily Tasks Into Gifts

Feeling frustrated in parenting? Overwhelmed with household chores? Stretched too thin with daily tasks?

When you start to feel this way, it’s important to change your thoughts from, “I HAVE to,” to “I GET to.”

It’s something that needs to be done repeatedly, because our flesh will easily slip back into wallowing in the mud of self-pity.

I HAVE to” thinking will make the burden of life feel heavier, turn daily tasks into drudgery, and remove the joy.

I GET to” thinking will lighten your load, turn daily tasks into gifts, and strengthen you with joy.

With this simple mind shift, it can all become an honor and a privilege.

I don’t HAVE to go over this same math problem with my child 5 times. I GET to. I get this time with them; I get to see them learn; and I get to be the one to teach them.

I don’t HAVE to discipline my child for the 10th today with the same correction. I GET to. I get to pray with them; I get to remind them of biblical truth; and I get to play a vital part in their growth.

I don’t HAVE to wash these dishes. I GET to. I get to feed my family; I get to use the strength God has given me to serve; and in this small way I get to reflect God and bring order to our space.

So the next time your flesh wants to wallow in the mud, feeling like life is happening to you, and your thoughts slip into saying “I HAVE to,” remind yourself of the honor in which you stand. In this fleeting life, you are given the privilege of the tasks set before you, and simply say, “I GET to!

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3 thoughts on “Turn Daily Tasks Into Gifts”

  1. What a blessing these truths are, thank you for taking the time to put into words so beautifully the things God is teaching you and sharing with others! Can’t wait to read more.

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